Friday, April 07, 2006


Cat smashed lovely crystal vase….turned around.. surprised at the noise. .hopped…licked paw and went on her way……..oh yes..the tail was in the air....and no.. she had nothing to do with all that scattered glass!!!

...Lady...looks on in quiet horror as the two kittens rip apart a steamed sardine undignified!....these uncouth ruffians dare to share space with me...the beautiful Persian?

Bounce………..bounce………kittens find the tummy the ideal spring board. Especially at 2 in the morning….of course they love you….after the bounce game is over…they will sit , one on tummy one on chest and begin a duet of the low rumbling kind…..a lick…a sniff….a ‘I love you’ claw dug deep into soft tissue….and… there!! they are sleeping as only a cat can!

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